To receive a link to one of the recordings below, please send payment via the usual way. ( Venmo/Paypal )
classes are $20
workshops are sliding scale $30~$50.
The retreat is sliding scale $120~$180 ( individual sessions $25~$35 for part 1 & 3, $35~45 for part 2 & 4 )
I will then email you a link to the recording which will be good for 1 month.
Please be patient as I may be on the road, up a mountain, or just away from my computer .
Level I 2020-11-30 Standing Apana Vayu wall support
Level I 2020-12-07 Forward Extensions standing and seated
Level I 2020-12-14 Backward Extensions chair suppor
tLevel I 2020-12-21 Restorative supine, inversions, pranayama
Level I 2020-12-28 Active Supine, seated & inversions
Level I 2021-01-04 Standings. sacrum and shoulder awareness
Level I 2021-01-11 twists and forward bends. the bind and uddiyana kriya
Level I 2021-01-18 Backward Extensions utthitta mariychyasana, paryankasana purvottanasana
Level I 2021-01-25 Restorative supine
Level I 2021-02-01 Standing Poses supta padangustasana side lying hip openers
Level I 2021-02-08 sacrum~minded asana
Level I 2021-02-15 bharadvajasana shoulder work prone backward extensions
Level I 2021-03-01 Standing Poses emphasis tailbone
Level I 2021-03-08 Forward Extensions chair parsvakonasana seated forward extensions
Level I 2021-04-05 Hips
Level I 2021-04-12 Forward Extensions standing forward extensions seated twists
Level I 2021-05-03 Standing Poses emphasis sacrum
Level I 2021-05-10 twists sacrum/occiput minded
Level I 2021-05-17 Backward Extensions emphasis front armpit chest
Level I 2021-06-07 Hips
Level I 2021-06-14 Backward Extensions shoulders warrior I prone
Level I 2021-06-21 Restorative viparita karani supine inversions breath
Level II 2020-12-02 Standing Apana Vayu wall support
Level II 2020-12-09 Forward Extensions standing & seated
Level II 2020-12-16 Backward Extensions chair support
Level II 2020-12-23 Restorative supine, inversions, pranayama
Level II 2020-12-30 Active Supine, seated & inversions
Level II 2021-01-06 Standings. sacrum and shoulder awareness
Level II 2021-01-20 Backward Extensions utthitta marichyasana paryankasana purvottanasana
Level II 2021-01-27 Restorative supine
Level II 2021-02-03 Standing Poses supta padangustasana side lying hip openers
Level II 2021-02-17 Backward Extensions bharadvajasana shoulderwork prone
Level II 2021-02-24 Restorative with maha mudra
Level II 2021-03-03 Standing Poses emphasis tailbone
Level II 2021-03-10 Forward Extensions chair parsvakonasana seated forward extensions
Level II 2021-03-17 Backward Extensions standing shoulder work prone chatush padasana setu bandha
Level II 2021-04-07 Hips
Level II 2021-04-14 Forward Extensions standing forward extensions seated twists
Level II 2021-05-05 Standing Poses emphasis sacrum
Level II 2021-05-19 Backward Extensions emphasis front armpit chest
Level II 2021-06-02 Standing Poses tadasana standing lateral negotiations
Level II 2021-06-09 Padmasana prep
Level II 2021-06-16 backward extensions emphasis uddiyana kriya
Level III 2020-11-27 Restorative sequence for immunity & the respiratory system
Level III 2020-12-04 Standing Poses from Baddha Konasana actions
Level III 2020-12-11 Forward Extensions classic parsvottanasa prasarita padottanasana marichyasana II
Level III 2020-12-18 Backward Extensions inversions, paryghasana vipariti dandasana & urdvha dhanurasana
Level III 2021-01-08 Standing twists
Level III 2021-01-15 twists seated & ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana
Level III 2021-01-29 Restorative respiratory system
Level III 2021-02-05 sacrum~minded asana
Level III 2021-02-19 Backward Extensions neck & shoulder focus
Level III 2021-02-26 Restorative including the Great Maha Mudra
Level III 2021-03-05 Standing Poses emphasis tailbone
Level III 2021-03-19 Backward Extensions highlighting bhekasana
Level III 2021-03-26 Restorative based on emotional stability sequence
Level III 2021-04-02 Neck beneficiary focus
Level III 2021-04-16 Forward Extensions focus on the seated "footing" & supine
Level III 2021-05-07 Standing Poses emphasis sacrum
Level III 2021-05-14 seated twists hip openers bakasana
Level III 2021-05-21 Backward Extensions highlighting eka pada variationa & hanumanasana
Level III 2021-06-04 Standing Pose negotiations
Level III 2021-06-11 forward extensions hip openers padmasana highlight
Level III 2021-06-18 backward extensions emphasis uddiyana kriya
Retreat 2021-03-19 VERNAL EQUINOX part 1
Retreat 2021-03-20 VERNAL EQUINOX part 2
Retreat 2021-03-20 VERNAL EQUINOX part 3 pranayama
Retreat 2021-03-21 VERNAL EQUINOX part 4
Workshop 2020-11-20 Pranayama
Workshop 2020-12-05 Neck and Shoulders
Workshop 2020-12-19 Winter Solstice
Workshop 2021-01-02 TAKING SUPPORT a sequence with a chair. part 1
Workshop 2021-01-16 TAKING SUPPORT a sequence with a chair. part 2
Workshop 2021-01-30 TAKING SUPPORT a sequence with a chair. part 3
Workshop 2021-03-06 TAKING SUPPORT in the breath
Workshop 2021-06-05 TAKING SUPPORT Asana of the West
Workshop 2021-06-19 TAKING SUPPORT Asana of the East
Pranayama 2020-11-27
Pranayama 2020-12-04
Pranayama 2020-12-11
Pranayama 2020-12-18
Pranayama 2021-01-15
Pranayama 2021-01-22
Pranayama 2021-01-29
Pranayama 2021-02-05
Pranayama 2021-02-19
Pranayama 2021-02-26
Pranayama 2021-03-05
Pranayama 2021-03-12
Pranayama 2021-03-19
Pranayama 2021-03-26
Pranayama 2021-04-02
Pranayama 2021-04-09
Pranayama 2021-04-16
Pranayama 2021-04-30
Pranayama 2021-05-07
Pranayama 2021-05-14
Pranayama 2021-05-28
Pranayama 2021-06-04
Pranayama 2021-06-18